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Parallel Input Serial Output Shift Register Verilog Code

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  1. 4 Bit Shift Register Verilog
  2. Shift In Verilog

VHDL and Verilog Codes. Input clk,reset,shift; wire 0: 2gxr. SERIAL IN PARALLEL OUT (SIPO) REGISTER; ASYNCHRONOUS BINARY UP-DOWN COUNTER. PAROUT should be a registered output and therefore should never be assigned in a combinational block (ie always @(.)). What you need to do is move all the PAROUT code up to the always @(posedge) block into the appropriate place. Also, don't assign to a bit, but instead shift the serial value in (ie. The 74LV165 is an 8-bit parallel-load or serial-in shift register with complementary serial outputs (Q7 and Q7) available from the last stage.When the parallel-load input (PL) is LOW, parallel data from the inputs D0 to D7 are loaded into the register asynchronously.When input PL is HIGH, data enters the register serially at the input DS. It shifts one place to the right (Q0→Q1→Q2, etc.

Serial in serial out

4 Bit Shift Register Verilog


// File : Design of Serial In -
Serial Out Shift Register using d_flip
module siso ( din ,clk ,reset ,dout );
output dout ;
input din ;
input clk ;
input reset ;
wire [2:0]s;
d_flip_flop u0 (.din(din),
d_flip_flop u1 (.din(s[0]),
d_flip_flop u2 (.din(s[1]),
d_flip_flop u3 (.din(s[2]),
// -------------- D flip flop design -
// Title : d_flip_flop
// Design : upload_design1
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : d_flip_flop.v
module d_flip_flop ( din ,clk ,reset
,dout );
output dout ;
reg dout;
input din ;
input clk ;
input reset ;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
dout <= 1;
dout <= din;

Serial in parallel out

// File : Serial IN Parallel OUT
Shift Register using Behavior
Modeling Style.v
module SIPO ( din ,clk ,reset ,dout );
output [3:0] dout ;
wire [3:0] dout ;
input din ;
wire din ;
input clk ;
wire clk ;
input reset ;
wire reset ;
reg [3:0]s;
always @ (posedge (clk)) begin
if (reset)
s <= 0;
else begin
s[3] <= din;
s[2] <= s[3];
s[1] <= s[2];
s[0] <= s[1];
assign dout = s;

Parallel in parallel out

  1. 4 Bit Shift Register Verilog
  2. Shift In Verilog

VHDL and Verilog Codes. Input clk,reset,shift; wire 0: 2gxr. SERIAL IN PARALLEL OUT (SIPO) REGISTER; ASYNCHRONOUS BINARY UP-DOWN COUNTER. PAROUT should be a registered output and therefore should never be assigned in a combinational block (ie always @(.)). What you need to do is move all the PAROUT code up to the always @(posedge) block into the appropriate place. Also, don't assign to a bit, but instead shift the serial value in (ie. The 74LV165 is an 8-bit parallel-load or serial-in shift register with complementary serial outputs (Q7 and Q7) available from the last stage.When the parallel-load input (PL) is LOW, parallel data from the inputs D0 to D7 are loaded into the register asynchronously.When input PL is HIGH, data enters the register serially at the input DS. It shifts one place to the right (Q0→Q1→Q2, etc.

Serial in serial out

4 Bit Shift Register Verilog

// File : Design of Serial In -
Serial Out Shift Register using d_flip
module siso ( din ,clk ,reset ,dout );
output dout ;
input din ;
input clk ;
input reset ;
wire [2:0]s;
d_flip_flop u0 (.din(din),
d_flip_flop u1 (.din(s[0]),
d_flip_flop u2 (.din(s[1]),
d_flip_flop u3 (.din(s[2]),
// -------------- D flip flop design -
// Title : d_flip_flop
// Design : upload_design1
// Author : Naresh Singh Dobal
// Company : nsd
// File : d_flip_flop.v
module d_flip_flop ( din ,clk ,reset
,dout );
output dout ;
reg dout;
input din ;
input clk ;
input reset ;
always @ (posedge clk)
if (reset)
dout <= 1;
dout <= din;

Serial in parallel out

// File : Serial IN Parallel OUT
Shift Register using Behavior
Modeling Style.v
module SIPO ( din ,clk ,reset ,dout );
output [3:0] dout ;
wire [3:0] dout ;
input din ;
wire din ;
input clk ;
wire clk ;
input reset ;
wire reset ;
reg [3:0]s;
always @ (posedge (clk)) begin
if (reset)
s <= 0;
else begin
s[3] <= din;
s[2] <= s[3];
s[1] <= s[2];
s[0] <= s[1];
assign dout = s;

Parallel in parallel out

Miracle accounting software 6.3 crack free download. // File : parallel IN - Parallel
OUT Shift Register using Behavior
Modeling Style.v
module PIPO ( din ,clk ,reset ,dout );
output [3:0] dout ;
reg [3:0] dout ;
input [3:0] din ;
wire [3:0] din ;
input clk ;
wire clk ;
input reset ;
wire reset ;
always @ (posedge (clk)) begin
if (reset)
dout <= 0;
dout <= din;

Parallel in serial out

Shift In Verilog

// File : Parallel IN - Serial OUT
Shift Register.v
module parallel_in_serial_out ( din
,clk ,reset ,load ,dout );
output dout ;
reg dout ;
input [3:0] din ;
wire [3:0] din ;
input clk ;
wire clk ;
input reset ;
wire reset ;
input load ;
wire load ;
reg [3:0]temp;
always @ (posedge (clk)) begin
if (reset)
temp <= 1;
else if (load)
temp <= din;
else begin
dout <= temp[3];
temp <= {temp[2:0],1'b0};

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